The purchase you are about to make is governed by standard sales terms for consumer

purchases of goods over the Internet as outlined here. This contract is based on a template

provided by the Consumer Ombudsman. Consumer purchases refer to the sale of goods to

consumers who are not primarily engaged in business activities, and when the seller

conducts business activities involving the sale of goods over the internet. Consumer

purchases over the Internet are primarily regulated by the Contract Act, the Consumer

Purchase Act, the Marketing Act, the Right of Withdrawal Act, and the E-commerce Act.

These laws provide consumers with non-negotiable rights (meaning they cannot be waived).

The terms presented here outline both our and your rights and obligations as consumers in

connection with online shopping with us.

Table of Contents

1. Agreement

2. Parties

3. Prices

4. Agreement Formation

5. Order Confirmation

6. Payment

7. Delivery

8. Risk of Goods

9. Right of Withdrawal

10. Inspection Duty

11. Complaints of Deficiency and Deadline for Claims Due to Delay

12. Your Rights in Case of Delay

13. Your Rights in Case of Deficiency

14. Our Rights in Case of Buyer’s Default

15. Warranty

16. Personal Data

17. Conflict Resolution

18. Sources

1. Agreement

The agreement between you as the buyer and us as the seller is based on the information

we provide about the purchase in the payment solution on the website (including information

about the nature of the goods, quantity, quality, other characteristics, price, and delivery

terms), as well as any correspondence between you and us (e.g., email) and these terms of

sale. In case of discrepancies between the information provided by the seller in the payment

solution on the website and direct correspondence between us, as well as the terms of sale,

the direct correspondence between us takes precedence as long as it does not conflict with

binding agreements.

2. Parties

Seller is:

ProUnite Esport AS (org.nr 920 330 509)

Nydalen allé 67. 0485 Oslo


The buyer is the person who actually places the order online.

3. Prices

For consumer purchases, the price displayed includes VAT (value-added tax). The prices

you find in our online store include VAT. The total costs you are required to pay (all fees and

delivery costs – shipping, postage, invoice fees, packaging, etc.) will be displayed in the

payment solution before the order is completed.

4. Agreement Formation

Once we have received your order, the agreement is binding for both you and us. However,

a party is not bound by the agreement if there have been typographical or clerical errors in

the seller’s offer in the payment solution on the website or in the buyer’s order, and the other

party was aware or should have been aware of such an error.

5. Order Confirmation

Upon receiving your order, we will promptly confirm the order by sending you an order

confirmation via email. It is recommended that you verify that the order confirmation matches

the order regarding quantity, type of goods, price, etc. If there is a discrepancy between the

order and the order confirmation, please contact us as soon as possible.

6. Payment

We use Nets as the provider of our checkout. This means that we may transfer your

personal data in the form of contact and order details to Nets when the checkout is loaded,

for Nets to manage your purchase. The personal data transferred will be processed in line

with Nets’ own privacy notice.

7. Delivery

Delivery of the goods from us to you will occur in the manner, at the place, and at the time

specified in the payment solution on the website.

8. Risk of Goods

The risk of the goods passes to you when the item is received by you in accordance with the

agreement. If the delivery time has arrived and you fail to accept an item made available to

you under the agreement, you still bear the risk of loss or damage resulting from the

properties of the item itself.

9. Right of Withdrawal

You can withdraw from the purchase of the item in accordance with the provisions of the

Right of Withdrawal Act. The right of withdrawal means that you can return the item to us

without reason, even if there is no defect and even if it has not been delivered. You must

notify us of your use of the right of withdrawal within 14 days of receiving the item. Your

notification to us of the use of the right of withdrawal should be in writing (use the attached

withdrawal form), and it must include information on how you intend to return the item to us.

When exercising the right of withdrawal, the item must be returned to us within a reasonable

time. We are obligated to refund the entire purchase amount to you within 14 days from the

day we receive the item or the delivery note or the item is made available to us. We cannot

impose fees for your use of the right of withdrawal, but we can require the buyer to cover the

costs of the return shipment. The item must be returned to us in approximately the same

condition and quantity as when you received it. The right of withdrawal does not apply to

items made to order, i.e., goods that are either manufactured according to the consumer’s

specifications or have been given a clear personal touch. Custom-made items may include

tailored curtains, T-shirts with personally designed prints, or custom-made wedding dresses.

10. Inspection of the Goods

When you receive the item, it is recommended that you, to a reasonable extent, examine

whether it conforms to the order, whether it has been damaged during transport, or whether

it has any other defects. If the item does not conform to the order or has defects, you must

notify us of this as a complaint in accordance with paragraph 11 of this contract.

11. Complaints of Deficiency and Deadline for Claims Due to Delay

If there is a deficiency in the item, you must notify us that you intend to invoke the deficiency

within a reasonable time after you discovered it. The deadline can never be shorter than two

months from the time you, as a consumer, discovered the deficiency. However, the complaint

must be made no later than two years after you took possession of the item. In case of

delay, claims must be directed to us within a reasonable time after the delivery time has

arrived, and the item has not been delivered. If the item was paid for by credit card, you may

also choose to make a complaint and submit a claim directly to the credit provider (credit

card company). The notification to us or the credit provider should be in writing (email, fax, or


12. Your Rights in Case of Delay

If we do not deliver the item or deliver it late in accordance with the agreement between us,

and this is not your fault or due to circumstances on your part, you may, depending on the

circumstances, withhold the purchase price, demand performance, terminate the agreement,

and claim compensation from the seller in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 5 of the

Consumer Purchase Act.


If we do not deliver the item on the delivery date, you can insist on the purchase and set a

reasonable additional deadline for performance on our part. However, you cannot demand

performance if there is an obstacle that the seller cannot overcome or if performance would

involve such significant inconvenience or cost to us that it is disproportionate to your interest

in our performance. If the difficulties disappear within a reasonable time, you, as a

consumer, can demand performance.


You can terminate the agreement

with us if the delay is substantial or if we do not deliver the item within the additional

deadline for performance that you have set. However, you cannot terminate the agreement

while the additional deadline is running, unless we have stated that we will not perform within

the deadline.


You can also claim compensation for financial losses you incur as a result of the delay on

our part in accordance with Section 24 of the Consumer Purchase Act.

You must make a claim to us as a complaint in accordance with paragraph 11 of this

contract. The rules on complaints apply in addition to, and independently of, the rules on the

right of withdrawal and any warranties provided by the seller.

13. Your Rights in Case of Deficiency

If the item has a deficiency and this is not your fault or due to circumstances on your part,

you may, depending on the circumstances, withhold the purchase price, choose between

rectification and replacement, demand a price reduction, terminate the agreement, and claim

compensation from the seller in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 6 of the

Consumer Purchase Act.

Rectification or Replacement:

If the item has a deficiency, you can demand that we rectify the deficiency or provide a

replacement item of the same kind. We can oppose your claim if fulfilling the claim is

impossible or would result in unreasonable costs to us.

We shall carry out rectification or replacement within a reasonable time. Rectification or

replacement shall be made at no cost to you, without risk of non-reimbursement of

expenses, and without significant inconvenience to you. We cannot make more than two

attempts at rectification or replacement for the same deficiency unless there are special

reasons that justify further attempts.

Even if you do not demand rectification or replacement, we may offer rectification or

replacement without delay. If we arrange for such rectification or replacement, you cannot

claim a price reduction or termination.

Price Reduction:

If the deficiency is not rectified or replaced, you can demand a proportionate price reduction.


Instead of a price reduction, you can terminate the agreement, except when the deficiency is



You can also claim compensation for financial losses you incur as a result of the item having

a deficiency in accordance with Section 33 of the Consumer Purchase Act.

You must make a claim to us as a complaint in accordance with paragraph 11 of this


14. Our Rights in Case of Buyer’s Default

If you do not pay or fulfill other obligations under the agreement, and this is not your fault or

due to circumstances on your part, we may, depending on the circumstances, withhold the

item, demand performance of the agreement, terminate the agreement, and claim

compensation from you in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9 of the Consumer

Purchase Act. We may also, depending on the circumstances, demand interest for late

payment, collection fees, and fees for unpaid, non-prepaid, undelivered items.


If you do not pay, we can insist on the purchase and demand that you pay the purchase

price (performance). If the item has not been delivered, we lose this right if we wait an

unreasonably long time to make the claim.


In case of significant non-payment or other substantial breach of contract on your part, we

may terminate the agreement. However, we cannot terminate the agreement after the

purchase price has been paid.

We can also terminate the purchase if you do not pay within a reasonable additional

deadline for performance that we have set. However, we cannot terminate while the

additional deadline is running unless you have stated that you will not pay.


We can claim compensation from you for financial losses we incur as a result of your breach

of contract in accordance with Section 46 of the Consumer Purchase Act.

You must make a claim to us as a complaint in accordance with paragraph 11 of this

contract. The rules on complaints apply in addition to, and independently of, the rules on the

right of withdrawal and any warranties provided by the seller.

15. Warranty

Warranties provided by us as the seller or manufacturer give you rights in addition to the

rights you already have under mandatory legislation. A warranty does not limit your right to

make a complaint and claim in case of delay or defects under paragraphs 12 and 13.

16. Personal Data

Unless you consent otherwise, we can only collect and store the personal data necessary for

us to fulfill our obligations under the agreement. Personal data of buyers under the age of 15

cannot be collected without the consent of parents or guardians. Your personal data will only

be disclosed to others if necessary for us to fulfill the agreement with you or in legally

mandated cases.

If we want to use your personal data for other purposes, such as sending you

advertisements or information beyond what is necessary to fulfill the agreement, we must

obtain your consent at the time of the agreement. We must provide you with information

about how the personal data will be used and by whom. Your consent must be voluntary and

given through an active action, such as checking a box.

You should be able to easily contact us, for example, by phone or email, if you have

questions about our use of personal data or if you want us to delete or change your personal


17. Conflict Resolution

The parties shall attempt to resolve any disputes amicably.

You can contact the Consumer Council for assistance in case of a dispute with us. If an

amicable settlement is not reached after mediation by the Consumer Council, the parties

may, in writing, request that the Consumer Disputes Board submit the dispute to the

Consumer Disputes Board. Decisions of the Consumer Disputes Board become legally

binding four weeks after service. Before the decision becomes legally binding, the parties, by

submitting a summons to the Consumer Disputes Board, may refer the decision to the

District Court.

Please note that this translation is provided for informational purposes and may not be

legally binding. It is recommended to consult the original terms and, if necessary, seek legal

advice for any specific legal matters or disputes.